Which is the greater evil? Glamour modelling or journalism? A critique.

For several years now grown ups have been asking me why I am wasting my Media Writing degree and doing modelling when I could be putting the world to rights (or at least commenting on it in a more mainstream and conformative capacity… which is what they really mean …. ! I staunchly believe that not everyone has anything interesting to write about until they have experienced a bit of life themselves and I have certainly done that these past few years!

Another significant factor that lead me away from mainstream journalism was the ambulance chasing/character assassinating attitudes adopted by a broad percentage of the press. Whilst I like to perceive myself as a very liberal minded person, I do have strong opinions on certain topics,  and resolutely believe that individuals should NOT be persecuted for issues such as sexual orientation, race, career choice, lifestyle, sexual practice (if all legal and consensual)or religion (same ethics apply – ‘harm to none’) Sadly much of the popular press is contradictory and hypocritical with those who are targeted becoming victims to campaigns geared towards making money….. At the centre of these grand debates we have stars who are too fat/too skinny, too ugly – or have had too much surgery. Others are too religious, too close minded or perhaps too open in the views and considered “loose” with their morals. Whilst the free press is a great thing, the contradictions and benevolent sanctimony that prevails is a sad reflection of a British society that yearns for stardom or freedom, yet condemns those who dare to think and exist beyond the confines of acquiescence. Of course to parody this, one could reason that too condemn those who maintain this view and suggest that the press should not operate in this manner – would in fact be little more than hypocrits themselves to suggest that the media modify and regulate it’s disposition. And of course to take away the freedom of the press, in many ways is to take away our power.

There is a flow and formula to our media which works on a balance of utter bullshit. A propaganda (akin to the former but more cleverly designed and marketed) some bias and a little fact, and now due to the increasing success of social networking – the opinion of the individual! This can be argued back and forth and evidence argued down to the opinions of those concerned – but as Star Trek’s Commander Tuvok once said “You can use logic to justify anything”. But paramount to this – we have the freedom to argue this and decide as individuals in what we believe is right….

Now here is where I believe that becoming a mainstream tabloid journalist or presenter may contradict this…

Most publications and broadcasters, whether broadsheet press, tabloid or gutter tv – have their own angle and stance on social and political matters. To write for X paper is to be right wing, to write for X mag is to believe that the sexually adventurous are immoral and corrupt. Whilst writing is often associated with freedom of belief and self expression, to write for a corporation or body is not to express oneself but to conform to a generally held consensus formed by that body. This is of course not freedom of the press but another form social control, glammed up to look as if it is self expression and fed to the public in bite size pieces throughout their education and worklife.

Whilst I can thoroughly understand why there are those that either agree with this, or buy into it….If I were to adopt this approach I would feel untrue, as if I was sacrificing my ethics and beliefs on a far greater scale than earning a living from shedding a few articles of clothing and sharing the love! But live and let live they say.

For me it is a greater position to speak freely and publish only the beliefs that are mine and without hatred, For others who must adopt certain angles I am sure that for them being photographed unclothed or behaving intimately in a semi-public capacity would fill them with abject horror, and lead them to feel as if they had sold their soul.

In that lies the difference in humanity and whilst I seek not to judge, I chose not to be part of that which does not define me, or allow me the right to liberal thought.

When this conclusion is acknowledged a great many doors open and I maintain that for many it is a far better thing to sacrifice your body than your mind, and freedom of expression.

In my lifespan – if I am able to entice individuals to be more liberal and accepting of others, to me that is far worthier than reporting on scandal and sleaze and banking a few hundred thousand from other people’s misery.

If I am to report upon a topic or individual or matter then it is considered  at length, challenged by my own devils advocate and eventually concluded based on facts and my own ethics, influenced by the role models who have inspired me. It is not created from ignorance or a desire to sell papers. But that is my choice, and to depreciate any other would be to call question upon my own.

In celebration of the right to express ourselves as individuals (outside of libel and all that jazz) I encourage you to leave your comments.

With thanks.

Kaz B


Kaz B

Writer, podcaster, creator

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