A More Likely Fairly Tale: ‘The Little Princess Who Didn’t Know She Was a Warrior’

I wrote this for a bit of fun and because it reflects my thoughts on relationships. Sometimes people ask if I ever think about getting swept off my feet….well only if I am paddling in the Ocean and a giant wave engulfs me. Read the fairytale to find out why 🙂

A more likely Fairytale

A long long time ago there lived a little Princess. When I say little Princess, I mean tiny! Teeny, tiny! The Princess had bright green eyes like a cat which twinkled when she smiled, and she had long hair made of sunlight. But the Princess was too trusting and didn’t believe that anyone could have a dark heart. So one day the Princess went to play at a giants house. But because the giant was greedy, he wanted to keep the Princess all to himself and locked her in his dark, dank dungeon full of his old worn socks. The giant was very lonely, but very selfish and didn’t want the Princess to have any other playmates. So he kept her to himself. But some days he would forget about her and she would be left in alone in the dungeon.

Over time the Princess became very lonely shut away in the dark cave. Her rosy complexion paled to an alabaster white. Her long hair once made of sunlight, turned to straw, and her previously twinkling eyes dimmed and glazed over. Her heart longed for the days when she used to run in the forest and watch the animals.
The only times her eyes would twinkle once more, was when she would scale a tall bookcase climb out onto a narrow window ledge. From here, she would see a beautiful garden. The garden was full of tall, elegant trees. Their leaves would gently sway in the breeze. She would longingly watch little squirrels, full of life. They would jump from tree to tree, their eyes beady and bright. The little Princess wished that she was a squirrel.

Then the Princess would watch the birds. She could just about hear them sing from her vantage point, and their sweet melodies would cheer her. It was the only time a smile would break across her troubled face. She would watch them flit from tree to tree and spread their wings and soar. The little Princess wished that she could spread her wings and soar.
Instead she would quietly sing to herself, her eyes would glaze over and her mind would go to a different land where she was free to roam, and sing and dance!

Those little birds and squirrels and that beautiful garden kept her going in those long dark days. One day the Princess climbed to her usual perch to look out of the window and saw a little bird lying still on it’s back. ‘Why does it sing no more?’ she cried and the Princess wept. Then she said aloud….’everything will die eventually.’ And the Princess caught sight of her reflection in the window. Her face was gaunt and tear stained and she looked tired. ‘I wonder if I am old now?’ she asked herself.

That is when the Princess hatched a plan to escape. She waited until the giant had feasted upon a banquet one night and fallen into a deep sleep. Then stealthily she slid her little hands into his pocket until she felt a big sturdy key. She grasped it tightly and holding her breath, she slowly tip toed towards the door. She quietly slid the key into the lock and as she did so the giant opened his eyes. He sat bolt upright, a look of shock upon his face. The Princess trembled but as she grabbed the door handle the door opened before she even had chance to turn the key. She stepped back clearly surprised and almost as if rooted to the spot, she stared at the giant. The giant looked back and a single huge fat tear rolled down one of his cheeks. ‘It never was locked’ the giant admittedly sadly…’I just pretended it was’.
She paused, but only for a moment. Then she whispered ‘I’m sorry’. and bolted for the door.

The Princess ran out into the night as fast as her little legs would carry her. She almost ran into bushes and tripped over stones. Then coming to a cliff top she suddenly stopped. Convinced the giant was behind chasing her, she panicked and sobbed her chest heaving.

A loud voice boomed behind her “What you crying for, oh one that is made of Treacle?”.

The Princess jumped and shied away.

“Nothing to be scared of. Just me and me horse ‘Sunset’ here. Are you hurt?”

The Princess stared up at the dark haired stranger, He was certainly no youngster, but he wore a smile and his eyes sparkled and it had been a long time since the Princess was shown much kindness. So she thought to herself ‘he seems like a nice man.’.

“N….not really” she looked around, her eyes scanning the horizon, fearful that the giant may appear.

“You are safe now. No one will hurt you with me around.”

“Who are you?” asked The Princess.

“I am your Shining Knight. I am the Knight of the Realm and this is my magic horse.”

“Knight of the Realm?”

“Yes. I enter into great battles for the Kingdom. I am also the King’s Chief entertainer. I am in all of his finest theatrical productions. “

The Princess looked blankly at the Knight.

“Do not fear little maiden. The Knight of the Realm is here. I am big and strong and I am the most fearsome in the land. I could beat off a hundred giants before you even heard them coming. No one is as good as me. No one.”

The little Princess looked up at the knight confused.

“Would you like to stroke my horse?” asked the Knight.

The Princess who loved animals beamed and her eyes shone and without thinking she walked towards the majestic white beast. It turned towards her, looking deep into her eyes and her eyes shone, filling her with warm feelings of love. She stroked it’s beautiful, silky white mane and a sense of peace filled her body and some of the tiredness and pain departed.

“He’s like a Unicorn” she whispered.

“Yes, yes he is. In fact, he really IS a unicorn, but don’t tell anyone….”

“Where is his horn?”

“It’s being re-polished. I’m having it encrusted with diamonds, sapphires and flecks of silver to impress the king. But don’t tell anyone – it’s a surprise!”

The Princess looked doubtful for a minute, but the Knight was being so kind she shook her doubts from her mind and patted the horse.

“Would you like to ride on my unicorn?” asked the Knight proffering his hand “We will ride to safety. I will slay a hundred evil goblins, a thousand fire breathing dragons before you even hear them for I am the knight of the realm!”

The Princess thought for a moment and then far far away she heard the crying roar of a giant. Or the roar of a giant crying. She wasn’t sure which, but wasn’t keen on waiting around nonethless! She quickly grasped the Knights hand and allowed him to pull her onto the horse. Off they sped into the night!

Over hills and dale they galloped, onwards, deeper and deeper into the forest. The Princess was cold and huddled into the knight who felt warm and comforting to her. It seemed they journeyed for miles, until they eventually came to a stop by a clearing.

They dismounted Sunset, and the Princess shivered, the cool air biting her through her thin and tattered gown.

“Don’t worry for I am the Knight of The Realm!” bellowed the Knight and he stacked logs before her and soon the stack became a roaring fire!
The Knight settled his horse down, and then taking the Princess in one arm nestled her into him and wrapped his big cloak around her.

‘I feel safe now’ The Princess thought and fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning they awoke with rays of sunlight shining down upon them and the Princess realised that her hair had started to blaze once more like the sunshine. She felt alive, but more importantly safe and protected.

Catching her dreamy expression the Knight told her. “You are my Princess now. I will protect you but you must do as I say. You must never question me, never do anything without my permission, for I am the Knight of the Realm. Am I not brave and strong?”

The Princess nodded slowly..

“Furthermore, if the King should address you, you must politely and quietly refuse and resist his invitations. I am the entertainer of the realm and I will not have my maiden taking my limelight. I will protect you and you will serve me.”

With that the Knight smirked and arrogantly turned his head, flamboyantly tossing his cloak behind his shoulder.

“We have a busy day wench.” he announced then roughly grasped the Princess, popping her back onto the horse. He took up a flask and downed what appeared to be the remnants before clumsily mounting the horse himself and giving it a rough kick.

The Princess felt scared, but condemned herself. She felt confused but told herself ‘It can’t be easy having to be so big and strong and having to the the protector of the realm’. She mocked herself for feeling doubtful of her big strong knight.

They sped on through villages and woodlands, stopping now and again only for the Knight to pop into a tavern and fill his flash to the tip with a bubbling ale. After a while The Princess felt thirsty and her legs ached.

“May I get down please my shining Knight? For my legs ache so and my throat is dry”

“Am I not your saviour? Have I not saved you from certain disaster? Did I not selflessly allow you to journey with me, fending off great beasts and monsters….?”

Seeing the doubt in her eyes, the Knight trembled with rage and his face turned dark.

The Princess had indeed not seen any monsters but remembered what the Knight had said “I will fend them off before you even see them…..” and she felt very selfish and ashamed of herself.

“I am sorry my shining Knight. I did not mean to upset you. “

The Knight sneered “You do not know how lucky you are to have me as your protector. I am the ‘Big I am’. You are ungrateful.”

The Princess felt saddened to have upset the Knight, but worse was his silent rage. He refused to look at her or acknowledge her. There were no soft words, only a smouldering expression and dark eyes that would not connect with hers. He spoke roughly only to the horse and to tavern owner when purchasing his ale. Everything was done with a certain hostility.

The Princess felt a little part of her die inside. She had lost the Knights love by not putting him first. She gently tried to touch the Knight on the arm but flinched as he swung round towards her roughly knocking her arm away.

Bellowing in her face he yelled “Do not speak to me unless spoken to Wench! I am your Master! Do as I say or I will throw you off of this horse and leave you in the middle of no where!”

The Princess shook in fear and cried “Please do not leave me alone. You are my Prince, you would not do that!”

“Oh would I not?” he angrily cried! “I will leave you in a dark forest where no one will hear your pathetic, pitiful cries. I will leave you at the bottom of a dark valley where you will struggle to find your way out! Perhaps bears or wolves will find you first. “

“But I may get eaten alive” shrieked The Princess in fear beginning to cry!

“That is not my problem! How dare you answer me back. Get off of my horse wench!””

“But my Prince! It is cold and dark and there is nothing nearby for miles. I have no coat or way to travel”

“NOT MY PROBLEM! You had your chance wench!”

With that the Knight shoved the little princess from the horse and she fell into a bush.

Burrowing down for safety, she shook, her body wracked with sobs. The Knight laughed loudly galloping round her in a circle, watching and mocking her.

The Princess was quite distraught. She couldn’t understand how her kind, brave Prince could behave so cruelly and unjust towards her when all she had given him was her love. It must be her fault though, she must have disappointed him somehow, made him angry. Otherwise why would he treat her with such disdain and be so unkind?
She sobbed harder, at a loss for what to do. She felt confused & despondent and full of panic.

Then suddenly she was lifted and found herself back on the horse.

“Hold on tight” the Knight yelled and kicking the horse they sped on racing through bushes and trees. The Knight cackled once again, loudly and the Princess clung on in blind fear, her knuckles white, willing herself not to fall off.
Branches scratched her face, the cold air bit her flesh and she trembled, but still she clung on for dear life…and the Knight laughed enjoying the white knuckle ride and the power he held over the little Princess.

Just as the Princess felt she had no more strength left in her body to cling on and was thinking of taking her chances and letting herself fall, they slowed and the Knight lifted her to the ground.

He took up his flask and staggering swigged from it, wobbling as he did so. Then he drew a hand over his face and pulled away a mask. His once kind eyes now flashed with hatred, menacing. The gentle smile was replaced with a sneer as he wiped the foamy ale from his mouth. His formerly handsome face look twisted, cold and ugly. Swinging his arms and lunging he resembled a clumsy great troll. Toxic fumes emitted from his nostrils and mouth. Breathing in her face he whispered

“Have you learnt your lesson treacle?”.

Not knowing her to respond, The Princess quickly nodded.Anything to keep him happy for now. He seemed pleased and satisfied with her answer, and wrapping his cloak around him, he settled to sleep on a mound of grass. He did not offer share his cloak with the Princess, or keep her warm. Shuddering, but her tears abated for now, she snuggled into Sunset the horse who also seemed pleased of the comfort. His soft silky mane slipped around her shoulders, warming her and soon they both slept.

The Princess woke later. The moon was still high in the sky and the Knight who now resembled a troll, snored loudly opposite her. She studied him and looked at the hard lines of his face. She looked at his big rough hands, his biceps coated in mud, and wondered if her kind Prince had ever truly existed.

She whispered to “You said you would protect me, but who will protect me from you.”

As fear and doubt tore through her, threatening to destroy her, she noticed a glimmering in the distance. Following the distance sparkle which she perceived to be a lake, she journeyed onwards until she reached a clearing and a beautiful great lake. With joy she skipped towards the waters edge and drank in the sight of the still, placid lake before her. Bending she dipped her fingers in and drank. It was the first water to pass her lips all day and it was wondrous to feel the cool water on her hot dry throat. She dipped her fingers once more into the dark water, splashing her face, closing her eyes and revelling in the sensation.

Finally refreshed she paused and looked into the water, seeing her reflection blinking back up at her. The water gently lapped back and forth, hypnotically.

“Oh what should I do? For I am just a little Princess and can not survive on my own in the wilderness can I” She asked her reflection. As the water lapped the edges of the lake, she entered a dreamy meditative state. Her reflection seemed unfamiliar but smiled back at her reassuringly, and she smiled wider. The reflection did sort of look like her but different somehow, and older……wiser
Then as her mind led her into daydreams, her reflection spoke to her, those dark green eyes serious, full of compassion and determination…

“You are not just a little Princess. You are a warrior Princess. You have overcome trials and tribulations and obstacles that lesser man and woman could not have. Do not mistake a great compassionate heart for weakness and do not discredit your heart little one, as love is stronger than hatred and your great heart will be your saviour.”

“What can this mean?” The Princess asked dreamily….

“It takes no strength or courage to hate, only to forgive and to be kind when life is hard. Do not lose sight of this. You are a warrior, Princess. One day you will be a great leader and will lead many into battle. It will not be a battle with swords or weapons, but a battle with words and actions. You will lead wisely and compassionately. Many will rely on you and you will be their pillar of strength. Your words are your strongest assets, but you can use them to give joy and spread love and kindness, not merely as weapons. Do not forget this Princess. Do not give up. You never needed a knight or saviour. You only ever needed to realise your own strength and capabilities. Sometimes one has to put themselves through heinous situations though, to truly realise just what they are capable of. Now that you know, you will never feel weak again. Even if you feel afraid, as it is a strong man or woman, that can acknowledge fear, but still battle on.

Be safe on your journey….”

The Princess stared into the waters and was suddenly broken out of her trance by a bird cawing loudly and sweeping into a tree nearby.

The Princess slid her hands into her pocket and pulled out two apples she had saved the day before. She returned to the clearing to find the horse gentle snoozing and the Knight snoring away, his mouth hanging open. She gazed at him a while then taking up a stick she drew in the earth:

“I am not sorry.”

She paused and thought for a moment then wrote

“I wish you only well.”

She put the stick down and took the two apples out of her pocket. She gently placed once next to the slumbering horse, and one in the hand of the unconscious Knight.

“Farewell Sunset.” she whispered.

“Farewell Knight of The Realm….or…..whoever you are”.

She glanced around hearing the melodies of bird song begin, and watched the dawn begin to break across the sky. Then she turned and without looking back once walked into the forest on her journey, a smile gently playing on her lips.

Ze End.

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The Princess now renewed and full of strength feared not for the road ahead….. Ok that is not strictly true! She did feel quite a bit of fear at times, but she remembered the words of her reflection in the lake and found it encouraging and comforting. She travelled from town to town and taught others, showing them how to find strength in dark times. She had always been of a gentle nature and made friends easily and was always welcomed with open arms, for which she was grateful.

She knew not where her journey would take her, but promised herself that if she were to become the warrior Princess of the land, she would always lead with love.

From time to time she would stop in a tavern and look at the Village news scrolls, and she would see the Knight in the columns occasionally. It seemed in recent times that he gone through hardships and she felt only sympathy for him. She hoped that he would not suffer considerably. She sometimes thought of Sunset and hoped that he was well. Although she did giggle to think of a diamond and sapphire encrusted unicorn horn! What a silly notion!

Other than that she stopped looking at Knights and local men and wondering if they were Princes, because, after all, she didn’t need one and never really had.

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Kaz B

Writer, podcaster, creator

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